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  • GTA 6 Trailer: Too Many Details in 90 Seconds

    Some people might look at those 90 seconds of a trailer that Rockstar gave us with underestimation. But die-hard fans who watched the trailer at 0.25 speed will gain the fruits of their rewards. This article will discuss hidden features and details that you may have missed in the new GTA 6 trailer below.

    Since its release, a lot more information leaked. You can see the latest by checking our Grand Theft Auto 6 discussion board here.

    The Opening

    The opening shot's purple sunset may have left you in awe, but if you look at the various vehicles driving on the road, you can spot the "Patriot" logo written on a white truck. The beer brand that first appeared in GTA 4 is seemingly coming back to GTA 6.

    In the background, If you focus on the palm trees, you can spot a few guard towers around the prison where Lucia is most likely being kept.

    Another faint feature in the background is what looks like a radio tower. Currently, the highest point in Florida is its WTVY TV tower, and a similar structure can be seen in the background.

    If Rockstar is determined to get Leonida to look as close as Florida, then this tower is likely to be the highest spot. We already wonder how players are going to glitch their way there using the weirdest sorts of vehicles and stunts.

    The Prison

    We were blown away by the graphics on Lucia's facial texture, hair, reflection, and clothes that we initially missed the guard tower in the background. But once we noticed it, it confirmed our initial speculation.

    If you check GTA 6's official page, you'll notice an ankle tag over Lucia's right foot. Later in the trailer, we can see both Lucia and Jason robbing a diner. The operation may have not gone as smoothly as expected.

    The ankle tag may also be a method to prevent players from exploring the whole map too early, as Lucia will mostly be released on probation. This matches Nima's post on X, claiming that the first GTA 6 mission is a robbery.

    The Beach

    If you focus on the sea, you'll notice four dolphins on the left side of the screen and a large fish swimming away from a surfer. Could it be a shark? We don't know yet, but the sea creatures are definitely there. According to PS Dev Nima, the animals in GTA VI must be discovered, and they are involved in mini-games.

    Later in the shot, you'll see a dodo plane on the top right of the screen. Remember the GTA Vice City's Dildo Dodo mission? That's the one. 

    The following shot displays what we hope is in-game footage of NPCs on Vice Beach. You can see two people jogging in the background, a few people sunbathing, a small dog running, and a few other people walking around, with zero replicated NPC movements that we're used to seeing in games. Furthermore, Nima claims that the NPC interaction system from RDR 2 returns and that the cops and NPCs will remember you.

    The crowd density in GTA 6 will be next level, and the graphics cards required to power up such a game will mostly be insane.

    The Swamps

    The swamp shot early in the trailer probably teases the Everglades area in Florida, with what seems to be an airboat moving through the swamp. We can already tell we'll have many vehicles to drive in the game.

    In the swamps, we can also see colorful flamingos and a few crocodiles with a formidable display of grass and water texture.

    Port Vice City

    First things first, how did we know that it'll be named Port Vice City? It's from the "PVC" written on the blue container attached to the crane on top.

    We can also spot four speeding boats in the port and a freighter in the background. The boats may be racing, or the front green boat may be running from the chasing blues.

    We can't tell yet, but we can tell the striking resemblance between the boat shot at 0:23 and Michael Mann's opening of Miami Vice (1984).

    Parties Will Be Everywhere

    Nightclubs, beach parties, boat parties, and rooftop parties will likely be numerous in Grand Theft Auto 6, with various shots of the trailer showing people having fun and enjoying their time.

    Some of the people seem to have a crazier definition of the word fun, with joyriders seen all over the trailer, girls dancing on moving cars, and people jumping down tables to smash them open.

    We Will Have Three Counties

    The game will feature Vice Dale County, Leonard County, and Kelly County. Kelly County is written over street signs like at 0:24 and 0:51. It is still unknown if the GTA 6 Map will evolve over time as Nima claimed on X.

    Leonard County is written on a police car at 0:50, where a police officer is chasing a suspect. Finally, Vice Dale County is written on a Sheriff's badge in the GTA 6 Joker shot at 1:04. 

    We May Have First Person Mode

    At 0:48, you can see three cops breaking into a building from a fisheye view that seems to come out of an officer's camera. We're not sure if that is a cutscene or playable in certain sections of the game, but first-person mode is always welcome.

    Social Media is a Thing in GTA 6

    The trailer shows multiple shots through social media of fictional characters. This also confirms Nima's information that missions and events are broadcasted on News and Social Media. Examples of those are:

    ●      The boat party at 0:42

    ●      The pool alligator at 0:43

    ●      The dancing car lady at 0:44

    ●      The street party at 0:47

    ●      The gas station suspect chase at 0:50

    ●      The road rage at 0:51

    ●      The crazy driver at 0:52

    ●      The Karen at 0:58

    That's right, Karens are apparently a thing in GTA 6. For those of you who don't know, the word "Karen" is a stereotype of unreasonably entitled people who seem to complain about everything. They're often party poopers, and they can call the cops on you for basically no reason.

    The Karen in GTA 6's trailer doesn't seem to be messing around, though. For a reason we don't understand, she's holding two hammers and threatening whoever is taking a video of her. The two hammers; however, can be a confirmation that we can dual-wield weapons.

    Our Two Protagonists are in a Relationship

    Last but not least, the trailer shows how Jason and Lucia are most likely in a relationship. The way they exchange the word "trust" at 1:14 essentially means they're trusting each other with their lives. It's worth noting that according to Nima, Jason and Lucia live in the same house.

    Having so many details jammed into 90 seconds is nothing short of crazy, but we're all about taking in every bit of it. We waited over 10 years for a treat, and we're finally getting a bit of it. So let's enjoy it and ride the hype train until the next trailer drops or until we get any updates. Make sure you check our community forums if you want to meet new fans eagerly waiting just like you.

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