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Do you think prostitution will still be available in GTA VI?



Prostitution has been a feature in many previous GTA games. However, GTA 6's story primarily focuses on the relationship between Jason and Lucia, who are likely the main characters we'll be playing as. It might feel a bit awkward to engage with prostitutes while trying to portray their Bonnie and Clyde-style relationship. What do you think?

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@ColonelSandersUnless they are brothers! 😁 

To answer your question, @Sergiu, yeah, they will be there, and I don't think we need a confirmation from Rockstar for them. When GTA 5 was released, I created a map for all prostitute locations. You can see it here. That map was a hit (judging by its traffic) with millions of views. Based on this, I can tell you for sure that players were extremely interested in them. So, most likely, Rockstar is going to keep them. Why would they remove something that was a hit? 

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I would really like to become a prostitute in GTA 6 I think that's what everyone wants to play as a prostitute I know there's going to be a female character but if your able to be able to be a prostitute then I think that would be a good idea or there could be random encounters if you were to be a prostitute like one of the people that you work with as a prostitute could be a serial killer or another one be a cop or another one be a military or another one be a billionaire or a kidnaper you get the point 

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