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    GTA 6 Prostitutes

    Ha! That would be wild! And cool! 😁 Obviously, we are speculating here but judging by the recent trends in real life, I can see this happening. Fingers crossed. 🤞🤞🤞
  3. In GTA 6 you can play as a female character (Lucia I think her name is). I wonder if it will be possible to have sex with female prostitutes as the female character. I wonder if Rockstar will include that. I'm anxious to know.
  4. @brandon wow! I never thought of that! Playing as a prostitute. But how about Jason? 😏
  5. I would really like to become a prostitute in GTA 6 I think that's what everyone wants to play as a prostitute I know there's going to be a female character but if your able to be able to be a prostitute then I think that would be a good idea or there could be random encounters if you were to be a prostitute like one of the people that you work with as a prostitute could be a serial killer or another one be a cop or another one be a military or another one be a billionaire or a kidnaper you get the point
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