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If you're interested in discussing or sharing the latest official news about Grand Theft Auto 6, you've come to the right place. However, please make sure that each of your posts includes at least two links to reliable sources such as Rockstar Games, IGN, or GameSpot. This is to ensure that the information you share is credible and trustworthy. Posts in Leaks require only one source. In Speculations, you can post without including any sources.


  1. Leaks

    Leaks are part of the gaming industry, and Grand Theft Auto 6 had its fair share. More will surely emerge as we get close to the release. Got one? Tell us about it, but take everything you read here with a grain of salt.

  2. Speculations

    Want to share your theories on Grand Theft Auto 6? Use this board to exchange ideas with others and see what they think.


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